Curtin’s Biggest Loser challenges staff and students to lose weight and get fit

Miri – 8 June 2018 – Eight students and staff of Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) were rewarded with cash prizes for coming out tops in the third edition of the university’s ‘Curtin’s Biggest Loser’ challenge recently.

A closing dinner was held for all the participants at the Imperial Palace Hotel recently, during which the champion, second and third-placed teams walked away with RM1000, RM500 and RM300 cash prizes respectively.

The 6-week weight loss challenge organised by the university’s Sports and Recreation Services section was designed to inculcate a healthier lifestyle among students and staff. It saw a record number of 76 staff and students adopting a ‘life-friendly’ diet and gruelling fitness regime to shed the most kilogrammes and vie for the ‘Biggest Loser’ title.

The winning team ‘Burnuz’ comprising Lee Lawang and Ruth Tie Uong Tang. In second place was ‘Bad Boyz’ comprising Jameson Malang and Loh Ing Hoe, while ‘Biggest Winner’ consisting of Hoo Jin Hern and Mohamed Bassam placed third.

Curtin Malaysia’s Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Beena Giridharan, in her speech during the dinner, commended the Sports and Recreation Services staff for giving the participants the training and guidance needed to achieve their fitness goals.

“I believe that any form of sports and fitness activity helps promote the importance of creating healthy bodies and minds, particularly in this day and age where people tend to take their physical wellbeing for granted due to their busy lifestyles,” said Professor Giridharan.

“It is hoped that with healthier bodies and a fitness mindset, you will also have more energy, enthusiasm and brighter minds to carry out your work and studies,” she added.

Commenting on the performance of the participants, Sports and Recreation Officer Mohd. Shahrizan Bin Zaini said they not only improved their fitness levels, but also demonstrated considerable discipline in maintaining their diet and fitness regimes.

According to participant Esther Tong, taking part in the challenge was one of the best decisions she has ever made in her life.

“It has changed me dramatically in terms of my health, my fitness regime and my overall outlook on exercise,” said Esther, who was encouraged by members of the Sports and Recreation Services team to join.

In Curtin’s Biggest Loser, participants are required to weigh in weekly over a span of six weeks. Fitness classes and activities are held daily on and off-campus to help them with their weight loss and the final results are based on percentage of body weight lost.

For more information on Curtin Malaysia, visit its website (, its Facebook page (CurtinMalaysia), Twitter profile (curtinmalaysia), Google+ page (Curtin Malaysia), Instagram (curtinmalaysia) or YouTube channel (Curtin Malaysia).

Prof. Giridharan (standing centre, in blue) with Curtin’s Biggest Loser organising committee and participants.

Prof. Giridharan presenting prize to the winning team.

Participants undergoing fitness training.

An outdoor fitness class in session.